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Generic for arthrotec medication ) Progressive Intolerances Progressive Intolerances (PCI) are chronic, painful conditions that require multiple medications over time to control. Common PCI symptoms are: Intensity and frequency of pain Change in range of motion (ROM) Decreased range of motion Unpleasant sensations in the area of pain Treatment typically includes: Anti-inflammatory medication Anti-inflammatory medications are used to relieve pain. Anti-inflammatory medications can be used to help control inflammation that is causing or exacerbating pain. Anti-inflammatory Drugs: Acetaminophen (Tylenol): Used to treat pain, fever, and inflammation caused by many conditions. Hydrocodone (Vicodin): Used to treat pain, fever, and inflammation caused by many conditions. Corticosteroids (Prednisone): Used to treat pain, fever, and inflammation caused by many conditions. Oxycodone (OxyContin): Used to treat pain, fever, and inflammation caused by many conditions. Other medications may be used to treat progressive intolerance.

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